Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Crashing to a hault

Hence the title of this blog....two weeks ago I had my very frenzied-always busy-lifestyle come to a literal and very scary crashing halt. God puts everything into motion for a reason and while a cracked vertebrae, cracked sternum, no car, and attempting not to do any lifting or any physical activity was NOT the way I saw my next few weeks ahead, it is indeed what the Dr. ordered.

While I first found this to be a huge inconvenience ( I couldn't jump, run, or lift weights for a total of 2 weeks) I have to now say that I see the light and joy in this least I am trying to that is. I have been able to catch up on some time with my daughters, rest and rejuvenate a bit, and get some much needed studying in for my ACE certification.

While having no car for a while and being still is not my "normal" way of life I have learned the meaning of "Be still and know that I am God", while much I take for granted I am trying to realize how blessed I am through this trial and Holiday season. I have two beautiful children that I did not think I would ever be able to conceive and carry due to some hereditary female issues. I was in a car accident which means I was driving, something many people and even eye doctors doubted I would ever be able to do, as I was born with an eye disease that leaves me legally blind. I am sitting in my house out in Missouri, a place far away from the small town I grew up in; which most (including myself) never thought I would leave to be able to move on with my life and grow into a settled down responsible adult.

Every time I have been told I could not do something I have kept the mindset of "Watch me" This has been true and is still true about my commitment to a lifestyle change.

Here is me the day of my accident and here is me ready for my husbands Christmas party a little over a week later... 


I could have sat around miserable, I could have given into the pain and frustration of not being 100% or I could have gotten off my tail and made the most of this situation.

So since exercise has not been a feasible option for the past few weeks what was I to do to not lose what I had worked so hard for?! Eat clean, drink my water, take my vitamins and REST! Well how on earth would that help? You see if your body doesn't have the proper rest and you don't let your muscles or in my case injuries heal, there would be no way I could return to my normal "go hard or go home" self. After my two weeks of recovery I went to my first real work out class today taught by my favorite personal trainer I have met and had a straight ROCKIN' work out. For the first time in weeks I felt like Amanda again. I was happy relaxed all my exertion was put out there and expressed the best way I know how to express myself. 


Even when I didn't know what the next step was I had friends and family who were there to talk to and help me keep a positive attitude. Support in this lifestyle change will make all the difference. Whether it is finding a person in a nearby group class or even reaching out to family and friends to see if they will help keep you accountable, do what you need to do as an individual to make it work. 

Also always, always remember even if you skip a work out, or you have an injury, or a setback; your eating and what you put into your body is what is going to make all the difference. I have had people ask for different recipes or ideas for food and I want to give you a quick run down of a few days of my meals while I was on my recovery. 

When I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is get coffee. I have a severe addiction haha. With my coffee I try to start my metabolism immediately with a banana or apple. once that digests and I have some caffeine in me I will either go for some boiled egg whites or some whole grain oatmeal with some raw pumpkin ( from the can) some honey and non fat vanilla Greek yogurt mixed in. one thing when you are not working out your metabolism is not working as hard and as fast as it would if you were physically active. So how do you combat that? Keep Eating! so two hours after breakfast I would go for a Clif Builders protein bar. two hours later would be lunch which would either be an all natural peanut butter sandwich with some grapes or some canned chicken breast (seasoned) with a glass of skim milk. Snack number two comes two hours later, normally another piece of fruit or a small bag of all natural chips with another cup of coffee ;) Dinner in our household varies each night. My husband doesn't care for veggies, and I don't care for some of the things he likes so we do a lot of compromising with each other. I will do grilled chicken but make his BBQ make myself some steamable edamame or green beans and make him some french fries. It is all about substitutions. When you go out to eat, don't panic or put yourself in a position to let all your hard work go down the drain. Look at the healthier entrees instead of baked potato get some steamed veggies, instead of the steak get the chicken. Little steps lead to habits, habits lead to a lifestyle. 

Never forget YOU are the deciding factor in everything you do. I know I like to snack I know I like to eat so if I know I am going to be gone for most of the day I throw some peanuts, a protein bar, a banana, or anything else healthy I have in my house into my purse and roll. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. You know you have Christmas parties ahead, plan to get in a good work out before hand. Look up some easy healthy snacks you can take so you know you will have healthy options to eat, and don't throw it all away because you had a cookie or a glass of wine. Moderation is key to everything in life. 

Nothing upsets me more than seeing small children or young teens being obese, because they haven't been taught better. Be an example to your kids, to your family, to others in general. We have too many options these days and too much knowledge not to take responsibility for our own health ladies. Stay strong and focus on health, love, life, and family during this Holiday weekend. God Bless each of you! 

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