Thursday, August 2, 2012

Drop it like a squat!

Happy Thursday folks :) I hope the healthy happy eating has been going well and yall have had a chance to try some new ideas or recipes this week. Another topic that was asked I write about was some of my strength training I have compiled a few of my work outs from my handy dandy pink glitter notebook :) These can be used together, or separate work outs, or add on to other work outs, take them for what they are and keep digging deep I have taken a few pictures to demonstrate what I can for proper form, please let me know if you have questions on how to perform the moves. Here ya go!

10 minute warm up circuit-
-10 jumping jacks
-10 squat jacks
-10 push ups
-10 tricep dips
-10 calf raises

You will complete as many rounds of this as possible in ten minutes. It will get frustrating and you may need to catch your breath if so take thirty seconds and pick up where you left off. If this is too simple by the second round then up your number of sets so instead of ten do fifteen or twenty.

Next start with "belt kicks" this means a squat into a kick so you will squat kick with right let, squat kick with left leg, that completes 1. You will want to complete 20 of these.
 Make sure when you squat your knees are behind toes and you are sitting back on your butt.

When you kick, flex your foot to feel more of a force in your backside.

Next you will do "basketball drills" or "fast feet" which means you will sprint fastly in place thirty seconds to the front turn to your right for thirty seconds, turn to the front again for thirty seconds, turn to the left for thirty seconds, and finally to the front again for thirty seconds.

Now one of my all time favorite core moves from P90x "Superman/ Banana"
here are the examples, you will switch from each position by rolling front to back and hold each position for ten seconds for a total of 2 minutes.

 Make sure to keep your abs and tummy tight and chest lifted.
Here your goal is to pull your tummy into your spine and tighten your glutes and pull your shoulders as close to your legs as possible.

Next a Billy Blanks favorite, Oblique sides

Bring your elbow to your knee contracting your side abs, 20 on each side.  

For this particular work out I would end with 1 minute plank OR ten knuckle push ups 

 Remember to keep your core contracted, and butt down
knuckle push ups are exactly what they sound like, normal push ups on your knuckles keeping the core contracted and butt down. 

------SEXY LEGS-----

8 alternating lunges into 8 hop squats repeat two times
20 belt kicks
30 second deep prayer squat 
 When you switch between lunges, you can either hop or step through but make sure your chest is up and you get keep your knees behind your toes.

Deep prayer squat will have your legs turned out, contracting abs and shoulders tight by placing your hands in the praying position.

Do these exercises three times through and then finish with wall squats, 30 seconds at a perfect 90 degree angle, 30 seconds slightly bent at 45 degrees so you are still squatting but not all the way down. do this 4 times through.

*bonus, if you have a gym with the room and equipment* Finish with 20 kettle ball swings and 10 box jumps. Follow through twice.


30 second tricep dip -both arms
30 second tricep dip- left leg up
30 second tricep dip-right leg up
 Keep leg flexed and tummy tight as you dip up and down during one leg dips
Keep core tight and go down as far as possible without breaking form.

Next squat down, arms out and 30 seconds of inward circles, 30 seconds of outward circles and thirty seconds of parallel circles arms in front of you.

Ok that is all I have for demonstration pictures BUT what I do have are a few more crossfit work outs you can throw in to your every day routine and try :)

6 rounds of these exercises for time- try competing with a friend or with yourself day to day to see how much better you will get at these exercises!

Set 1
Run a quarter of a mile, do 5 dead lifts, 15 squats, 20 sit ups coming all the way up

Set 2
10 Burpees, 15 squat jumps, 20 butterfly sit ups, sprint for thirty seconds

Set 3
10 push ups, 20 kettle ball swings, 30 second plank, 20 box jumps

Ok, guys depending on your feedback from this post I can always post more of certain exercises or more target specific moves. Stay strong and focused until next time :) -Amanda

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