As I sit here with my family on a Saturday night we are watching a very talked about boxing match anticipating the main fight and watching the under card fights. If you know me at all you know I am a huge fan of cardio kick boxing and Tae Bo. I think my fascination comes from a place deep with in. Growing up and to this day I have always been a very passive person, I avoid confrontation and flee from arguments. The thought of someone being upset with me makes me nervous and the thought of disappointing someone often makes me cringe. I for so long, have wanted to be perfect to everyone.
I guess this is why I have such a fascination for being "tough" or the "fighter." It is like the inside of me screaming to fight back against everything that has tried to force me down. The other day I saw a quote that stated "If you are tired of starting over, stop giving up." So true in today's "diet world." Everyone is looking for that quick fix and then often when we feel defeated or "knocked out", we turn to bad eating habits or mope on the couch to lick our wounds. Let's face it girls, we will NEVER be perfect, and we will NEVER please everyone in our lives, but there are a few things that can make this realization a tad bit easier to deal with.
First off, realize little steps lead to bigger steps. Your scale says you gained two pounds? Take those two pounds out on the town and show them you want them LOST! Beat up on the punching bag, do a few sprints to out run the feeling of failure, throw a few round house kicks to the face of disappointment and keep on going until you can't go any longer. GET MAD, and FIGHT ladies! We fight for what we want in life right? That promotion at work we know we deserve, the man in our lives we know is right for us, our children we want to raise and mold into the beautiful people we know they can be; we fight for each of these things because we WANT them so badly we can taste it. We crave it in our souls and believe in it. THAT is what you need to feel to change your body and mind. Crave that feeling of being better and healthy. Yearn for that satisfaction you find in the exhaustion and soreness of your last work out. We all have to start somewhere and if you keep letting time and excuses pass you will never know the feeling of victory when you defeat that laziness and unhealthy body.
This week my husband and I had to do quite a bit of traveling, errand running, house hunting and many other chores concerning our next move. Months like this one can be very hard to find time to work out. I do my best by waking up early or for instance tonight working out at almost eight o'clock in the evening because that was the first time I had an available time slot in my day. It isn't easy in fact to be honest some days it sucks, and some days it just doesn't happen. But guess what? When I get to my next work out I make sure I fight to make up for that time lost. I make sure to push myself to my limit and not leave anything behind. If you give it your everything you have no regrets and have no time wasted. Your all as an individual may be doing a few squats and sit ups a day before bed and that is OKAY! Every body's "fight" is different, each person's "opponent" is different, but every one's goal should be the same...WIN. Al Davis, though I am not a fan may he rest in peace, had one saying I love to chant to myself in the midst of a hard work out "Win, Baby, Win!"
If you please your self if you give it all your heart, and a genuine passion is burning inside of you that is the most "perfect" workout you will ever achieve. Your form may be off, you may not get as many reps, you may not run as far as you would like, and chances are you will never be an Olympic competitor, but YOU are doing PERFECTLY FINE in your own life. That, is all that God asks of us and all we should ask of ourselves. Our best. At the end of the day, if you know you gave it everything you could, first of all be proud and second of all KNOW that each day your best will become a little bit better a little bit stronger and a little bit faster. That is the beauty of this life there is no limit to what we can achieve with our faith and strength in the Lord Jesus. Until next time keep fighting for what you believe in, it will pay off in the end i promise :) - Amanda
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