Wow, where to begin? It seems things in the world have been a bit crazy the last few days. It has inspired me to talk about a little thing we all despise and all have been guilty of "judging." First off let me start by saying my opinion in any matter does not mean squat because ONLY God can judge you or me. First and foremost I believe we were put on this earth to give glory to God and what he has blessed us with we are to use to bring glory back to him. This is true in every aspect of our life including fitness.
Let me start by saying my husband and i went to a concert the other evening of one of his favorite bands Coheed and Cambria. They had a wide variety of fans of all ages and all stereotypes and labels. There were a few that caught my eye and gave be an insight I want to share. In the middle of the sunken floor was an area where a few of the concert goers gathered and were dancing and expressing themselves. I noticed some of them were what our society would consider "out casts" or "loners" but together they were all having the time of their lives. They were total strangers celebrating music and straight getting down together in the spirit of a mutual love for this band. There were some large some small some gay some straight some modest and some who were brave souls baring all they had. At the end of the night they didn't care who saw them or what people thought they were FREE. Enjoying life, enjoying their dance and THAT is what caught my attention.
So much of this world is about what people may think or what people might say..WHO CARES!! I have been told by a few people that they didn't enjoy going to the gym or working out because they were over weight and felt the fit people were giving them odd stares or rude looks. My response? You keep going keep making them feel uncomfortable because YOU are the one working hard. You are the one sweating and putting in the time and effort to make a change. YOU will appreciate the difference you make as opposed to somebody that doesn't work as hard or is naturally blessed with "skinny genes."
I have posted my before and after pictures and if my mom can find them I will even show you my pictures from high school when I was fifty pounds over weight. My point of doing this is because I know I have changed through the power and strength from God almighty. I wanted to change I wanted to make a decision to be healthy and give my ALL, and He gave me the will power and strength to do so. Now that I have learned and changed I feel it is my gift back to him to share with yall how you can find the same strength. n
If people could stop arguing and judging one another for just five minutes and stop to see what we could learn from each other the whole world could be a different place. Let me ask you if someone was to approach you with love and open arms willing to listen and help as opposed to a harsh hateful handful of words based on their opinion which are you more willing to respond to? Love thy neighbor as yourself, help them the way you would want to be helped. I could have slouched at home and hidden in my despair of being over weight and frustrated but that would have gotten me no where fast. I found the right resources and strive to be better JUST like you can.
Instead of focusing on what you can't do or what you disagree with today, focus on what you can change and how to be a positive influence. I worry sometimes that my healthy lifestyle could negatively impact my children or give them a complex, but after my daughter "woksout" with me and then asks for "peesa" (pizza) for lunch I smile and think to myself it is all about balance. Work hard and keep your priorities in line, but never forget above all else this life is about love. Enjoy your family, your friends, your significant others. Life on this earth is short so if you spend it judging others how will you find time to love others? Balance your head and your heart and when life gets a little confusing, take a run and pray. We all were made to be unique for a reason, we all give our gifts back to God in different variations of talent, and as long as you are doing it out of love, you will be blessed! - Amanda
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