Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Slimdown Tricks

Well, Well, Well, time has gotten away from me yet again. Sorry to my followers who read this on a normal basis, life has been a bit hectic lately. Let me start with updating on that...

We are all settled into our new home, Josh at his new job, and me well starting to get a but of a routine. I have found an amazing little gym out here that I have only gotten to visit once, but plan to go to again. It is a local place called "The A.R.K" which is entitled so for the abbreviation about raising kids. It is a great family environment with child care and was opened by a local church and has awesome inspirational versus and quotes around the place along with an indoor track, cute little cafe, and child care. I also have been hitting my Shaun T DVDs, some new "Rushfit" DVDs put out by the famous MMA fighter George St. Pierre, and just last week I got lost on what was supposed to be a short run through the neighborhood, but turned out to be over six miles through a bunch of mini neighborhoods ha! While trying to find my groove here and keep my routine in check, I have also been trying to keep my energy burning by taking the kids outside to play in their pool, scoping out things to do on post, and of course the ever lovely household chores that never seem to end. All this being said I must admit I have had my downfalls....

This past weekend I was blessed enough to fly home for my sister Madison's graduation from high school. We had a blast going to a family dinner Friday and Saturday enjoyed her party. All that great food with a loud Cajun family can mean two things were guaranteed...lots of laughs and lots of food. While I tried to stay on track by eating my protein bars, water, and ordering high protein dinners, I must admit I had my fair share of food and drinks that weren't exactly "healthy." While I felt I had a food hangover most of the day on Sunday, I do have to admit it was "healthy" for my soul to be able to let go and enjoy myself.

I focus so much on pushing myself to stay healthy that sometimes it can become unhealthy, and its best we let go and take a break. All in moderation of course :) (Though I probably should have reminded myself of that 4 cake pops later... ;) ) Here are a few pictures from this weekend we got to spend at home...

One thing I do want to suggest for the summer is some great interval training! It is shorter and harder than your traditional work outs but it will give you a great boost and take less time. Also with all the cook outs we are getting ready to all plunge into remember there are always a few things to help the next day bloat.

1) Stick to your basic knowledge, chicken is always best if around if not eat your hot dog or hamburger without the bread and condiments it will save you calories, carbs, and sugar.

2) Snack on fruits and veggies and pretzels before the big mean so you don't over indulge.

3)Not all sides are bad for you, baked beans are a great source of fiber and protein.

4) Drinking water in between alcoholic beverages helps slow you down and keep your metabolism working and also will help you feel a heck of a lot better the next morning.

There are certain myths that we all have heard, like eating before bed is bad for you, eating a huge fatty meal is bad for you yes, but it is just as bad at any time of the day. a good protein shake before bed, or a good high fiber or protein snack such as a Kashi cereal, or some non fat yogurt will help boost your metabolism while you sleep. While caffeine is a diuretic and can dehydrate you it can also help heal your muscles after a work out and give you a little extra energy so as long as you're replacing the water that is being taken away from you by coffee, pre supplements, etc. you should be just fine! Just because you are off of work for the day doesn't mean you should be off of your work out for the day. Take the time to do something different, go for a run or walk with your significant other, get out of the house and do some yard work or swim some laps, it is always about staying active and burning energy.

i hope to write again soon, bare with me as I get situated back to army life, and real life without the help of parents, friends, or in laws for a while :) Enjoy your summer time and sunshine to you all :)

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