Let me be honest, I have never been good at math so when it came to counting calories, figuring out percentages of fat, trying to calculate how many points I could have a day, and other ridiculous math formulas hidden as weight loss remedies I have to admit I was beyond frustrated. Last year I picked up a book my husband had hiding on the book shelf entitled " The Abs Diet" and while I thought "great another fad book", I glanced through out of sheer boredom. Much to my delight and surprise it was the best thing I have discovered in my weight loss journey.
Let me begin by stating as women we normally collect our weight in our mid section after having babies. That being said our abdominal area is made up eighty percent by what we eat and twenty percent by what we do. One thing I recommend in your beginning stages of a lifestyle change is food journals. Why? When you are accountable for writing every morsel you put in your mouth you realize way more than what you would think. You know that last bite of PB and J you popped in your mouth from your toddlers lunch in an effort not to waste food? That alone has hydrogenated oils, processed sugars and probably not too much whole grain. Three huge factors in a daily diet. One thing I can not stress enough is that substance is far more important than any number. Reading labels and packages are going to be of utmost importance during this venture. For example an average protein bar may contain 300 calories which seems a bit high BUT with anywhere from twenty to twenty five grams of protein a low amount of fat and plenty of vitamins that will turn those calories into energy it should be a no brainer.
Most "100 calorie packs" and sugar free products are loaded with artificial sweeteners and "short cuts" that may indeed equal lower calories, but it will still signal glucose in the brain and with it being a processed artificial substance your body will not break it down in the same steps causing it to be stored instead of burned more often times than not. That being said not all "diet" foods are terrible one recommendation I highly advise is cutting unnecessary fats. For example go low fat and even fat free if you can in almost all dairy products. You get the same amount of protein and nutrition you need with out the fat.
Two huge misconceptions are that carbs and fats are bad for you. While everything in life is about moderation there are some great fats and carbohydrates out there your body needs and will slim down from. Your omega fats from all natural Peanut Butter, Olive oil, and avocados can help boost your metabolism and cellular break down causing more calorie burn after ingesting them. As far as Carbs go always remember whole wheat and whole grains always always are the way to go. The more natural you can go the better you will feel. A few substitutions can go a long way in the weight game. Switching out your usual pasta for whole wheat pasta and your sandwich bread for whole grain bread will help burn belly fat and keep you fuller longer. I am going to post a few pictures of my favorite whole grain, protein packed, snacks that I love and get my energy pumping
In the next couple of days I will be posting some of my favorite substitutions for dinners to cut fat and add more protein to your daily diet. Once again every ones body is different and every body is unique but one thing you want to focus on is your metabolism. If you do not provide yourself with enough nutrients and calories your body will go into starvation mode and cling to anything you give it including the processed sugars and artificial sweeteners found in most "diet foods." 6-7 small meals a day helps keep your metabolism on its toes so to speak. The more energy you're providing it the stronger it can run. Just like if your car is puttering on fumes you are not going to get the same gas mileage you would get on a full tank. Another mandatory requirement of your metabolism is going to be your water source and just like the food the more you have the less your body feels deprived causing you not to retain liquids and have it flush through you taking toxins and other wastes with it.. With the help of a reevaluated diet and a few great supplements (my next topic) you will be feeling like a new person ready to conquer the world...or even that dreadful treadmill :) Stay strong and FULL until next time -Amanda
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